AT&T’s Louisiana Story Continues with Broadband Expansion Projects in 13 Parishes

Sonia Perez – President, AT&T Louisiana
August 16, 2022
Broadband Access and Affordability

AT&T’s Louisiana Story Continues with Broadband Expansion Projects in 13 Parishes

A few weeks ago, Governor Edwards showed how public-private collaborations can kick start high-speed internet projects. The governor announced funding to supplement private industry investments in broadband expansion projects across Louisiana. That will help bring modern, high-speed connectivity to underserved communities.

All of us at AT&T are proud to be working with local leaders on projects awarded in 13 parishes.

We are leading the way across the state, deploying fiber-optics and increasing access to connectivity in urban and rural communities alike. Our teams have unparalleled experience building and maintaining these complex networks, and in the coming months, we will complete extensive planning and engineering work, specifying routes, purchasing supplies and components, and obtaining the necessary permits for work to begin.

Then, trucks will roll, extending fiber-optics into underserved neighborhoods across the state and making modern connectivity a reality for more Louisianans.

Fiber technology is built for Louisiana’s climate and the annual threat of tropical storms and hurricanes. When compared to copper or coax cable, fiber is more reliable during inclement weather because it’s lighter, more flexible and less prone to water or electrical interference.

Our Louisiana Investment Story

A few years ago, we made AT&T Fiber available to residents and small businesses in Louisiana for the first time.

Since then, we have invested hundreds of millions of dollars every year in our networks across the state, bringing AT&T Fiber and many other products and services across the marketplace. The work driven by these extensive investments has kept our customers connected in their homes, their offices, at school, and on the road.

These investments and the investments of many other broadband providers – telecom companies, cable companies, and Electric Cooperatives – have helped spur the state and local economy, helping businesses connect to their customers and grow their operations.

But these investments haven’t been enough. Some still lack the connectivity needed in today’s modern marketplace.

Working to Bridge the Digital Divide

Given how much the world has changed in the past couple of years, we all know that connectivity gaps – whether we’re talking about gaps in broadband access or gaps in service adoption – have to close.

In recent years, many of us have found ourselves working from home and bringing our kids’ classrooms to our kitchen tables. In the face of this new reality, AT&T committed to doubling the number of customer locations that have access to AT&T Fiber nationwide, reaching more than 30 million locations by 2025.

At the same time, policy-makers at the federal, state, and local levels are making historic commitments to spur investment in broadband to meet consumer needs today and in the future.

We have thousands of AT&T employees who call Louisiana home. We have worked for decades to connect communities across the state; we are committed to the necessary work ahead.

We applaud the Governor, our state legislators, and local elected leaders for their work on this important issue.

We are as passionate about building a strong future for the state as you are. Our work began 140 years ago, and it continues today.

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