As the summer recently came to an end and students started to head back to school, a stark reality remained for many. In Detroit, it’s estimated that one quarter of residents don’t have access to the Internet at home1. This can limit their ability to access the computers or skills needed to benefit from the online world, an issue known as the digital divide.
In an effort to help address the digital divide through internet accessibility, affordability and safe adoption, AT&T launched the AT&T Connected Learning initiative. And, as part of this ongoing initiative, last month we partnered with Jefferson East, Inc. and Human-IT to deliver more than 100 laptops to families in Detroit’s Jefferson-Chalmers neighborhood.
“These computers and the resources available at the Connected Learning Center are very important to the residents and students in this community,” said State Representative and Speaker of the House Joe Tate (D-Detroit). “Bridging the digital divide is a key priority for the continued development of our City and the families who live and work here.”
1One-Quarter of Detroit Residents Don’t Have Internet Access, Governing, Oct. 4, 2021.